The collective agreement is developed constantly

Under the universities’ collective agreement, the parties representing employees and employers (JUKO and Finnish Education Employers) hold regular discussions while the agreement is still in force. The current collective agreement provides for five working groups who aim to develop the agreement and employment terms:

  • The statistics working group discusses a common knowledge pool and questions of the production and reliability of statistics. The working group examines such issues as salary concepts.
  • The text working group reviews the language and legal references used in the agreement.
  • The working group on career models and merit-earning methods prepares a common overview of the career models for researchers at universities and other ways of merit-earning. The working group also investigates how remuneration supports career advancements in different stages of the career and how the universities encourage the development of new competence.
  • The working group on the maximum numbers of teaching hours and new teaching methods investigates the definition of contact teaching, the functionality of clauses on maximum number of hours and the need to reform them, considering new teaching methods and means. 
  • Working group on the changes necessitated by the Upper Secondary School Act and syllabus reforms (disbanded)

Anna Zibellini


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